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brick-store.de - Star Wars Laserschwert blau u. rot Neuware

Rezensionen zu: Star Wars Laserschwert blau u. rot Neuware

    Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2014
    I thought they were too busy whriospping the latest Greatest Most Perfect Movie Ever Made, The Avengers (last month it was The Hunger Games ) to notice. You know what bugs these people have never had any genuine joy, excitement, or unabashed love for Star Wars in a long time if ever. Everything else is soo much better. You're allowed to get all gushy over The Avengers or whatever's the flavor of the moment. You can't with Star Wars beyond a thoughtless, defensive OT-only posture, maybe Clone Wars. Yet they hang on like stubborn boogers hanging from a nostril, going to our cons, ruining our fan sites, etc..
    Star Wars Laserschwert blau u. rot Neuware
Execution time (seconds): ~0.131632